Sea Trout Fishing

Sea Trout Nights - a new sea trout fishing book by John Gray
Grays of Kilsyth - Online Fly Shop Grays Online Fly Shop


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fly tying


Sea Trout Fishing

A guide to sea trout fishing on British rivers with notes on where and when to fish, fly fishing tactics, tackle and flies

home from the sea the rapid run

home to the redd the journey done

to lie and wait by light of day

to stir and wake as green turns grey

Of all our game fish here in the British Isles, the sea trout holds, for me, the greatest fascination and, it might be said, the greatest challenge. Like the salmon, the seatrout is a migratory fish, spending half the year feeding at sea and returning each summer to while away the long summer days in the river of its birth until spawning time in the autumn. In some ways, the sea-trout is like both the salmon and the brown trout, in others, like neither. A difficult fish to lure during the light of a summer's day, in all but spate conditions, the sea trout will sometimes play the angler's game under the cover of darkness. The sea trout fisher must then be, like the sea trout, a nocturnal creature, venturing out at dusk and fishing through the wee sma' oors of the night on a river running at or near summer low level, often shrunken by summer drought. In such low water conditions, the wary sea trout lies inactive during the day but often comes alive with the fall of darkness, when we have our best chance of a fish, especially on a mild night when a good cover of cloud keeps the night temperature in double figures. But even then, the sea trout seldom plays by the rules. There will be times and places where sea trout might come readily to a well fished fly but it is not always easy to predict when and where that might be. If we stick at it, though, we are occasionally rewarded for good attendance .....

A Good Night on the Spey

Sea Trout on the Needle Tube Fly

One of eight Spey sea trout taken on a black and silver Needle Tube Fly in two hours of fishing in the very early hours (midnight to 2 am) of June 23rd 2014

Needle Tube Flies

Sea Trout Needle Tube Flies

Sea Trout Snake Tube Flies

Sea Trout Needle Tube Flies

Simple Snake Tube Flies

The Search for Sea Trout

In these pages, I hope to set out a few basic guidelines for those about to embark on this most fascinating and, for many of us, obsessive, of pastimes. Topics relating to sea trout fishing will include:

Sea Trout Tube Flies

A few sea trout "Tinglers" (needle tube flies armed with single hooks)

note the upturned single hook, which adds to the stability of the fly

The focus of this website will be on night time seatrout fly fishing on British rivers. Most of my sea trout fishing, almost all of it nocturnal, has been done on Scottish rivers, in particular the Endrick, Earn, Allan, Spey and Border Esk, with an occasional foray elsewhere, for example to Wales, where a one hour July evening session on an upper beat of the little River Cothi gave me, if not perhaps my biggest, certainly my best fish to date, a shining silver sewin of 9 pounds. Although my sea trout catches have seldom been so notable, I have generally been well enough rewarded for "good attendance" on the rivers I have fished. One of the great attractions of sea trout fishing is its uncertainty, so much so that I sometimes wonder, on a quiet night, if I have really learned much at all during the forty years I have spent in search of them, but then an occasional successful night, when things fall unaccountably into place, goes a long way towards restoring that all important illusion of competence. What little I have learned might, I believe, be reasonably applied to other rivers throughout the country, with some hope of success, and perhaps those setting out on their first sea trout fishing season will find my ramblings, set out in these pages, of some interest.

                                                                                                                                             Tight Lines

                                                                                                                                             John Gray


sea trout fishing

Grays Tube Fly Adaptor




Tube Flies for sea trout


How to Catch a Sea Trout


British Angling Associations

Angling Associations



River Spey Sea Trout Fishing
River Spey near Grantown
Sea Trout River
The River Liddel
Border Esk Sea Trout Fishing
Tommy's Pool on the Border Esk




sea trout fishing