How to
Catch a Sea Trout
by John Gray
Sea trout may be caught during
daylight hours in a falling river following a summer spate.
In such conditions sea-trout often behave much like salmon
and may be caught using similar tactics. Indeed, many sea
trout are caught on flies and lures intended for salmon.
But, following the spate, when the rivers have dropped back
to near summer level ...
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Tube Flies
by John Gray
Over the years, there have been many innovations in
the world of fly tying, particularly in the design
of flies and lures for salmon fishing. We might
include in this flies aimed at both Atlantic and
Pacific salmon and at Steelhead in North America,
together with flies for salmon and sea trout fishing
in Europe, particularly in the U.K., in the
Scandinavian countries, and in Russia ...read
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Skinny Minny
Tube Flies
by John Gray
How to tie a very slim sea trout tube
fly for nigh fishing.
Illustrated below
are a few slim sea trout tube flies for
sea trout fishing at night, or perhaps
salmon during the day in clear water.
They are very simply dressed on slim
stainless steel needle tubes, outside
diameter 1.5mm and length 15mm. Longer
tubes may of course be used if needed.
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Scottish Salmon and Sea Trout Catch
Salmon and sea trout catch statistics for
many of the major Scottish rivers have been selected
from the records gathered annually and held by Marine Scotland
for the Scottish Government and the summarised data have
been combined in the graphs
shown below to illustrate the general trend in salmon
and sea trout rod catches throughout Scotland over the period 1952 to 2020
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Free Swinging Tube
Fly Hook by John Gray
How to make a
heat-shrink Knot Guard
A great advantage of tube flies is that
the hook used at the rear end can be selected according to
conditions and may be very easily changed or replaced, for
example when damaged, thus extending the usable life of the
tube fly. A common method of attaching the hook is to fit a
short length of flexible tubing such as PVC or silicone
rubber over the rear of the tube fly and then insert the
hook into this flexible sleeve....
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Should I
by John Gray
I stay or should I go? A serious question indeed! So much so
that an adolescent trout may, on some rivers, go through a
bit of an identity crisis. "Am I a brown trout or a sea
trout?", she will ask. "Will I emigrate or stay at home?"
The answer will generally depend, as it so often does, on
the home environment and parental expectation ...
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The Sea
Trout Fisher
by John Gray
He takes
again the well worn path
his craft to nightly ply
On quiet summer
pools where sewin silver sleeping lie
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A Night
on the Endrick
by John Gray
To the casual observer, the River Endrick was deceptive. A
pleasant little trout stream, one might think, a stream
which, in places, a fit man could jump across. To the
inexperienced eye, there would be little to betray the
presence of the large numbers of late summer salmon and sea
trout, which would make their way upstream from Loch Lomond
on their annual spawning run ...
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Gray's Loop
by John Gray
I have never liked
braided loops as a method of connecting my leader to
fly line. For many years, I needle knotted a short
length of heavy monofilament to the end of the fly
line, formed a loop on the end of this butt section,
and looped my leader to it by way of a loop to loop
connection ...
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An August
by John Gray
By August, the best of the night fishing
is normally over on the Earn but, in the
season of 2003, there was no "best" and,
following a hard and unproductive early
season, I had forsaken its familiar
streams for pastures new, with some
pleasingly unexpected results. Reluctant
to give up on her altogether, though, a
recent less than optimistic return visit
and the dubious encouragement of a lost
fish had, even at this late stage, given
renewed hope ....
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Needle Fly
by John Gray
Picture the scene ..... a night in late July.
It's one a.m. and you are alone by a favourite fishing pool.
The river has gone quiet. You would be inclined to doubt
that there were any sea trout in the river if it weren't for
the brace of two pounders in the bass at your side. You tip
them out on to the grass for another look ...read
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Avon Sea
by John Gray
Linlithgow Angling Club manages the trout and sea trout
fishing on an extensive stretch of the little River Avon in
West Lothian. Club members have done a great deal of work
since the nineteen eighties to help the river
recover from the heavy industrial pollution of
earlier years ...
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Exploring the Endrick
by John Gray
Half a century has passed since I caught that first shining
sea trout on a once famous west highland river. It made an
indelible impression, heralding what would become a lifelong
obsession with night fishing. Of course, life has a habit of
getting in the way of such obsessions and youthful
enthusiasm often must give way, for a time at least, to more
sensible preoccupations ...
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Cowden Mill Dam
by John Gray
July 1986 was a dry month with one
or two spates near the end of the month and into August.
There were no signs of any numbers of sea trout, except the
odd one, in Cowden Mill Dam (in diary entries this will be
known simply as "the Dam" until Tuesday August 12th. By all
accounts, there had been exceptional catches of salmon on
the river Leven early on in the season ...
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Tube or Waddington
by John Gray
The Waddington lure was devised by Richard
Waddington in the middle of last century. In "Salmon
Fishing", published in 1947, he writes,
"My ideal salmon fly, however, is quite
revolutionary. The shank will remain a steel bar - though
were it not for the weight I should prefer something pliable
like a heavy nylon strand. This will be linked with a plain
loop to a small triangle ...
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A Night on Allan Water
by John Gray
I parked at Cromlix bridge and
walked up to the top of the middle beat of the association
water, where the Blackford Farms beat begins. The Allan here
is generally slow flowing, meandering through a
sandy flood plain, with some deep holding pools for
sea trout linked by some nice streams and glides,
giving enough flow to work a fly at night. I fished
downstream from the beat marker catching a half
pound brown trout on the way ...
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Tingler Tube Fly
by John Gray
The Tingler is simply a needle tube fly armed
with a lightly dressed single hook, as in the example above.
It is intended primarily for sea trout at night but the
principle and dressing may be adapted for any predatory
fish. I think that a sparsely dressed tube, combined with
the flared dressing on the single tail hook, creates a very
fishy impression in the water ...
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by John Gray
After heavy rain over the weekend and a high spate on
Sunday, the river had dropped by Monday evening and was
running clear, at a perfect height for the sink tip line.
Others thought so too as five fishers had gathered at the
dam for a 9.30 start ...
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On a Black Carmarthen Night
by John Gray
The Towy was running high and brown
after rain the day before. The Cothi at Edwinsford had run
off a bit and was looking good, so I decided to take the
offer of a day ticket on the Cothi above Edwinsford in the
hope that a sewin or two had run on the high water to the
upper reaches ...
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Sea Trout
by John Gray
Sea trout, to many of us, rank as the most
valuable of all our game fish here in the British
Isles, providing unique night time sport on rivers
from Cornwall to Caithness, from Connemara to
Cumbria. The continued decline of sea trout stocks
throughout the British Isles is a cause for great
concern, both ecologically and economically ...
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A Good
by John Gray
Thundery rain in the west ... temperature forecast to stay
above 11°C. ...
heavy cloud cover, upstream easterly wind, not strong enough
to be troublesome but strong enough to keep mist off the
water ...
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Four Sea Trout Rivers
by John Gray
The Loch Lomond system
including the loch itself, which at twenty one miles long
and covering an area of 17,500 acres, is Scotland's largest
loch, the major tributaries Fruin and Endrick, and the River
Leven which runs the short distance from Balloch to enter
the Firth of Clyde at Dumbarton, can produce up to 1500
salmon and a similar number of sea trout ...
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Slim Tubes for Sea Trout
by John Gray
I am a great fan of very slimline
fly bodies, particularly for sea trout fishing at night. In
1999, I devised the Needle
Fly, the slimmest of all lures, for late nights
on the River Earn in Perthshire. More recent years have seen
the development of Needle
Tubes for both salmon and sea trout fishing ...
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Sea Trout
by John Gray
I have never, to my recollection, been accused of being a
religious man. To all outward appearances, I am as rational
as the next man, quite normal. Really, I am. Yet I do, from
time to time, get the feeling that perhaps something is
amiss, that I am somehow just a wee bit out of the ordinary.
The odd sideways glance, the occasional raised eyebrow
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Esk Photographs
by John Gray
Below is a map of the
Border Esk, showing links to photographs of many of the fishing
pools on the river from above Langholm to the junction with the
River Liddle below Canonbie, part of the Esk and Liddle Fishery.
Best known for its sea trout, the Border Esk also has a decent run
of salmon in the second half of the season ...
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Liddle Photographs
by John Gray
Below is a map of the
River Liddle, showing links to photographs of many of the fishing
pools on the lower river, part of the Esk and Liddle Fishery. Best
known for its sea trout, the River Liddle also has a decent run of
salmon in the second half of the season. The Esk and Liddle
Fisheries beats include some of the best fly fishing water on the
middle Esk and the middle and lower Liddle ....
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Spey Sea
by John Gray
The River
Spey is justly renowned as one of the best of all salmon
rivers, the lower half of the river characterised by mile
after mile of the most perfect, and most sought after, fly
fishing water imaginable. Anglers come from far and wide to
cast a salmon fly on its hallowed beats, and pay a pretty
penny for the privilege ...
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by Dave
Wallbridge It is not unusual to see the occasional posting on a
fishing forum, requesting advice, from an angler wishing to
tackle Seatrout for the first time. Although nowhere near an
expert myself I do have some experience of catching
that weird and wonderful fish and I remember the
frustrations I experienced when I first began my
journey down the road to addiction ...
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by Dave
Some time ago
ago I posted some comments on fish vision in the `Nymph
design` topic on an internet message board. As the
information given then was of a generalised nature and
knowing that fish vision is extremely species specific -
i.e. different species have widely different eyesight - I
decided to do some searching to see if I could find any up
to date information ...
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