Sea Trout Fly Tying
A selection of simple sea trout fishing flies and how
to tie them
Sea trout flies for
night fishing need not be complicated. Indeed, I have
found that a sparse simply dressed lure is often the
most effective. We must remember, too, that sea trout
cannot distinguish colours at night. In true darkness,
they will see coloured hackles, for example, merely as
shades of grey, so we need not worry too much about the
colour of our sea trout flies, except for use in the
half light of dusk or early morning, when colours may
make a difference. The use of colour in our night flies
will, of course, do no harm and can be used to provide
contrast and tonal variation, which may be useful.
For more on Sea Trout Flies and Fly Tying
See the websites below
Grays Tube Fly
Adaptor |
Fly Tying
Tools and Materials |
Simple Sea
Trout Singles |
Chest |
The Ginger
Pearl |
A Box of
Needle Tube Flies |
Sea Trout
Needle Tubes |
The Foxy
Tingler |
Needle Flies |
Sea Trout Fly
Tying Step by Step
A few sea trout flies are shown below,
along with links to pages showing Step by Step photographic fly tying
sequences. The flies are intended primarily for night fishing and are
very simply dressed, often leaving the hooks or stainless steel
tubes undressed to create slim, simple yet very effective night fishing
See also
The Tube Fly Shop
Tube Flies